Looking for work? KEE can help!
Step One
Send an email to Khem, Len and Sandip at khem@keewinnipeg.com, len@keewinnipeg.com and sandip@keewinnipeg.com
Copy & Paste Info Below
Please fill out info/answer questions in the content of the info below
You will receive an email from Khem, Len or Sandip confirming that we have received the referral. You will be updated once we do an intake interview over the phone informing you if they were accepted and what the next steps will be.
Info to copy/paste in email to KEE
Your name:
Your Email Address:
Your department (example: Jobs On Market):
Name & case number of the client you are referring (first name & initial is fine):
This client's contact information (email and phone number they can be reached at directly):
Are you as the referrer aware KEE is unable to accept anyone with fraud, terrorism, drug offenses, home invasion, robbery, sex, child related, theft over 5k or serious violent charges (or pending)?
Does client have any outstanding warrants?
Are you aware of KEE's criteria regarding our acceptance of clients with addiction, physical and/or mental health issues?
If this client was offered a job tomorrow, can you see them working three months from now?
Is this client willing and able to work 26 hours or more per week?
Does client have a secure place to live and ready to start work right away?
Is this client willing to answer all private/unknown/blocked calls on their phone and check email multiple times per day?
Is this client willing to provide personal information (DOB, SIN, address, etc) on the phone during an intake interview with a KEE Staff member? If not, we will not be able to proceed.
Clients must have stable childcare/homeschooling in place. Is this client able to work a variety of shifts?